Friday, October 12, 2007

A Visitor from Stateside

October 12 Selestat, FR

Kevin Detwiller has come over from statside to ride with us for a while.
He has brought along beautiful fall weather.

We've ridden from Freiburg Germany north along the Rhine river to
Strausburg, France. From there we followed the Rhine Marne canal to
Kevin's ancestrual home of Detwiller France. We finished that day by
staying in a youth hostel in Saverne, FR. The youth hostel was in an old
chateau, a very beautiful building, unfortunately our rooms were nothing
more than beds - much bigger than the tent so we still managed to enjoy

For the past two days we've been riding south through the Alsace wine
region. Nice quiet country side, charming villages, lots of vineyards and
lots of hills. The weather has remained beautiful, a bit cool but still
nice sunny fall weather.

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